Sunday, June 28, 2009


In the first article about do it yourself divorce, I discussed what to do before getting started. The next step in the do it yourself divorce process is very important in deciding whether this is right for you.

Florida divorce law requires that parties getting divorce file financial affidavits and list all of their assets and liabilities. In order to draft a complete Marital Settlement Agreement, you need to know everything you own and everything you owe. This would include all bank accounts, credit card statements and retirement accounts. It is highly recommended in do it yourself divorce situations that you obtain current statements for each and every account that you and your spouse have, whether the account is in one or both names. In a do it yourself divorce situation, you and your spouse should be on good enough terms that you share this information with one another. All of this information must be listed on a financial affidavit and both parties must sign under oath that they have provided full disclosure to one another of all assets and liabilities and that the information provided is truthful and accurate. You will need this information to decide how you are going to divide your assets and liabilities.

Once you have a Florida financial affidavit and all information about your assets and liabilities, questions may arise. Is an asset or liability marital or nonmarital? How do you split credit card debt? What happens with a retirement account that began before the marriage? What about pensions and profit sharing? A divorce lawyer can advise you about whether an asset or liability is marital or non marital. This is one of the things that should be addressed in your initial divorce consultation. Credit card debt can be a tricky issue if both parties names are on a specific credit card and the debt is to be split. In a do it yourself divorce situation, you need to think about how you are going to divide this debt and how you will protect yourself and your credit if your spouse does not pay his or her share. When it comes to retirement accounts and pensions, you may want to consider hiring a financial professional to perform a valuation of the account, pension or profit sharing. You should also speak with your divorce lawyer about your obligation to divide these assets or your rights to a portion of these assets.

The Florida financial affidavit also requires that both parties list their incomes. What happens if you do not know your monthly income? This is a common question for business owners or those who are paid by commissions. In those situations, it is important to speak with a financial professional, such as an accountant, to get advise regarding how to calculate your monthly income. If you have questions about how much your spouse earns, you should address these questions with a divorce lawyer or an accountant.

These are just a few examples of questions and issues that may arise during the do it yourself divorce process. The financial portion of a divorce may be the most challenging aspect in the do it yourself divorce process. The important thing to keep in mind is that many decisions you make in this part of the process may be binding and non-modifiable so it is crucial that all of your questions are answered before you proceed. If you have questions or concerns about these or other financial aspects of your divorce, speak with your divorce lawyer or accountant before making any decisions about dividing property, assets and liabilities.

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